
The Complete Homeschool Family Planner
The planner you've been waiting for is here!
Keeping your family organized is hard. Between the kids, sports, school activities, and other commitments it's easy to lose track of time and get overwhelmed.

It's even harder when you're trying to manage all of it while homeschooling multiple kids, special needs kids, or kids in various grades....or all of the above!

  • Busy homeschool moms are responsible for: 
  • Keeping track of your multiple children's schedules, 
  • Driving kids to and from activities, 
  • Volunteering at sports events, 
  • Picking kids up from friends' houses or hosting playdates, 
  • Planning family meals, 
  •  Organizing the homeschool schedule... 

...the list goes on!

And don't forget the parents' schedules - who has to work, when they work, and other various events going on. Now multiply this for every family member.

Woah. Pour me a martini, please! STAT!

Get The Complete Homeschool Family Planner - TROPICAL EDITION
worth $49 

For Only $15
The Complete Homeschool Family Planner

Value: $49

Finding Time for Busy Moms 

It is hard to find time for yourself when you have so much on your plate as a busy mom. There are days where everything just feels overwhelming, amirite?

Being busy myself these days (I'm juggling motherhood & maintaining some semblance...of a social life!) I can tell you that staying organized with the right planner is essential for keeping me sane.

The problem...most planners are not designed to manage your hectic schedule. They all look the same, and there's no way to differentiate between Mom's schedule and kid 1 vs. kid 2, etc.


As an organizational nerd myself I took it upon myself to design what is in my opinion THE BEST KID/MOM PLANNER on the market.

There is a lot to love about this planner but here are my TOP 5 REASONS YOU NEED IT

1) It starts in August so it's all ready for back to school! Prioritized planning of events, activities, and appointments that you will have to remember & put into your normal day planner! No more "Oh crap, I forgot about that" moments.

2) Different sections for each kiddo in your family! No more crossing things off and rewriting them on the next line, or using sticky notes to cover up someone else's appointment while you write in yours.

3) The calendar spaces are completely open so you can schedule your weekly meal plan, your homeschooling days/lessons, vacations, and any other activities.

4) There is a designated grocery shopping list so you don't forget anything at the store and always have a running list to refer to (which I like to update as we go, ha!).

5) The month view! This is my favorite part of the planner. It's already laid out and dated for you, all you have to do is highlight and color in what has been scheduled, and voila!

Beautiful, tropical-themed, comprehensive, 115-page, homeschool family planner. The cute graphics will whisk you away to a dreamy, tropical, island as you plan your homeschool days, family meals, vacations, field trips, and much more! 

Inspiring quotes from Dr. John Gottman, Michelle Obama, Bob Marley, and many more are scattered throughout the pages of this gorgeous planner. The clean, easy-to-use format will simplify your days and organize your life! Works great for all grade levels from Pre-K through high school. The planner comes with pages for up to four kiddos, however; additional pages may be printed to accommodate larger families.
A must-have to hit the ground running on day one of your homeschool!
Here is what you'll find in your Complete
Homeschool Family Planner - TROPICAL EDITION!

Homeschool Resource Log

Extra-Curricular Activities Log

Attendance Logs

Curriculum Planner

School Supplies Planner

Reading Log with 3-Star Rating Section

Documentary Log with 3-Star Rating Section

Podcast Wish List

Podcast Log with 3-Star Rating Section

2021 and 2022 Annual Calendar at-a-Glance (Begins on Sunday)

2021 and 2022 Holiday List

Field Trip Brainstorming Pages

Field Trip Planner

Field Trip Report for Kiddos

Vacation Trip Ideas

Vacation Trip Planner

2021 and 2022 Monthly Planner (Begins on Sunday)

Printable Weekly Planner Pages

Supplies for the Week

Printable Daily Planner

Interest Project Planner 


Here's the deal!

The good news is that there are plenty of planners out there to help you stay on top of things. But they're not all created equal! Some are pretty dry, some don't have enough space for everything you need to do, others aren't very customizable or flexible with how you use them.

I've designed this planner specifically with homeschooling families in mind with all the features needed in one place so that organizing doesn't become overwhelming or stressful. 

The Complete Homeschool Family Planner - TROPICAL EDITION covers every aspect of homeschool life from meal planning to field trip scheduling, to planning curricula, to family grocery lists and more!

It also includes blank pages if you want extra space for writing down notes or future plans - perfect for using as a bullet journal too! 

This colorful planner will...

Ease the stress of keeping up with everything for your family

Allow you to write down everything you need to do in one place

Keep track of important dates and tasks all in one place, so you don't forget them

Make sure every member of your household is staying on task

Keep your family organized with this planner

Make sure to keep up on your grocery shopping 

Help you stay up to date with the most fully-featured, modern homeschool planner on the market

Be a one-stop organizer for all your household's organizational needs

These powerful stories are from my homeschool blog,
"Slight Right 47" where I share homeschool resources:

"Deborah's blog, Slight Right 47, is an excellent resource for parents and caregivers and a child's emotional health advocate. The focus is on homeschooling and the home environment but this material is critical in a traditional classroom setting." 

~ Denise S.

"I found your blog the other day and wow, was I impressed! It is well written, engaging, informative, and very helpful. I was so excited to share it with a couple of friends who have children with learning challenges. It shows such compassion and useful tips for children with or without learning challenges!." 

~ Carol G.

"Slight Right 47, serves as an excellent field guide to homeschooling. Deborah is one of the most compassionate, empathetic, and grounded people I know. The specific challenges she’s faced have compelled her to focus on creative and innovative ways to navigate life. Deborah’s work stems from seeking unique solutions for herself and her children and implementing non-mainstream ways to support and educate her kids. The way she holds space for her children to experience joy in their education is inspiring. She is a master homeschooler. Her desire to help others find, and cultivate their own homeschooling pathways, is both sincere and noble. ." 

~ Jennifer L.
Get The Complete Homeschool
Family Planner
worth $49

For Only $15

The Complete Family Homeschool Annual Planner - Tropical Edition$15

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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer, only $7!
You want to homeschool your kids, but you’re not sure how to get started. It seems so overwhelming! 

I was right there just a few years ago. This ebook is written for you, Momma! It will walk you through the entire process of beginning your journey as a homeschooling parent. You’ll learn how to choose curricula, plan lessons and activities, teach effectively, and much more. 

 By using this ebook as your resource, you can move forward with confidence that you are doing everything right for your child’s education. Plus there is a companion workbook included so that you can keep track of all the information covered in this book!

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  • 1xThe Complete Family Homeschool Annual Planner - Tropical Edition$15

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